I’m fairly sure I got Forgotten Lore as a freebie from Rhonda Parrish’s website or mailing list last year (although it seems to have been 22 on my Goodreads list!). I’ve been looking forward to reading it.

Forgotten Lore
Blanket Fort Writers, Ed Rhonda Parrish
Forbidden magic, half-remembered Gods, the secrets to immortality, final outposts, bloody vengeance and fantastical creatures all abound in these stories by Krista D. Ball, Katelyn Brehm, M.L.D. Curelas, Rhonda Parrish, Katie Rodante, BD Wilson and Tristan Wolfe. (Goodreads)
My Review
As with any anthology, there are some you love and others that don’t grab you.
The first, by M L De Curelas, was an exquisite tale of noir-type proportions, where the chief cop has made sure the protagonist turns up at a swanky dinner. He seems to be the only human among them, and the mix of other types of people make for some elegant puns and superb personalities. It’s the most urban of the group, nearly all of which left me wanting more.
I was going to review them all in turn, but other than framing the stories, it would be repetitive. These were my notes though. (I don’t usually make notes except for anthologies)
- 2 nicely written but felt a bit derivative
- 3 great story although the journalistic jargon confused me for a bit. Wonderfully complex twist at the end, great fun.
- 4 a tale of elves and magic that made me want to read more…
- 5 Rhonda’s tale of supernatural meets physical wreck. Definitely need more!
- 6 horrific, but beautifully written
And the last one: brilliant suspenseful….and I want more!! This pretty much sums up the whole anthology. I really must track down more work by these authors.
Morning Jemima you have my interest piqued 💜
Worth a punt — some of these are of the Merlin -Morgana craziness but no Arthurian legends there!