Ghost Pirate Gambit is the start of a series by Jessie Kwak that I got from storybundle (along with several other very enjoyable scifi books). I think is an excellent source of fantasy, scifi and also other genres (including nonfiction) and I rarely, if ever, find a dud one in their collections. Ruins my tbr numbers, though.

Ghost Pirate Gambit (Nanshe Chronicle #1)
by Jessie Kwak
Haunted space stations? Puzzling totems? Cursed relics? No job’s too bizarre for the crew of the Nanshe.
Lasadi doesn’t like strangers on her ship, but she’ll need a bigger crew if she’s going to steal a mysterious artifact from a dead pirate’s long-lost space station. She takes a chance on a charming grifter named Raj, along with a skilled hacker and her genius little brother. And it’s . . . nice? If Lasadi isn’t careful, she’s going to start enjoying having a crew aboard.
Raj’s last bit of luck capsized right before he ran into Lasadi, and this job could finally get his life back on track — as long as Lasadi never learns the truth about his past. Raj isn’t the only one on this crew with secrets, though, and Auburn Station holds more than long-dead ghosts. Unless this fledgling crew can learn to trust each other, none of them are getting off this station alive.
Ghost Pirate Gambit is the first book in the Nanshe Chronicles, a series of fast-paced sci-fi capers full of lovable misfits, non-stop action, and just plain fun. Perfect for fans of Cowboy Bebop, Firefly, and Leverage. [goodreads]
My Review
Ghost Pirate Gambit was a breath of fresh air in my sci-fi reading. The characters arrive with their own baggage, and we enjoy finding out what it is. The problem presented starts out simple, and rapidly becomes complicated. Then it becomes mind-bendingly and gorgeously imaginative in its denouement.
I loved the way this developed. It had a fresh quality about the story that this jaded sci-fi reader really enjoyed. I’m so looking forward to the rest of the series. Well done, Jessie Kwak!
Great review, Jackie. Do you think this is appropriate for YA readers?
Yes for YA, but not for MG, I think.
Looks like another for my TBR pile!
TBR ? And mine !
Also,. title hunting, Need one for my own ghost book.