Mercenary Instinct is my M for the A to Z on Saturday, my book review day. I’m away at my niece’s wedding today, so I’d be grateful for any ‘shares’ on social media! I picked Mercenary Instinct for M since
Book Reviews | The Phantom Tollbooth and Zoe & Zak and the Ghost Leopard
A double review today, two Middle Grade books, very different in style, which is an interesting thought about the difference between current expectations and those of the 1960s, which are, after all, fifty years ago. The Phantom Tollbooth By Norton
Book Review | Matt Archer: Blade’s Edge | Kendra C Highley
Oh, boy! In Matt Archer: Monster Hunter, Matt discovers he is born to hunt monsters with the aid of a knife which seems to give him special powers. Now Matt finds so much more about this knife – and most