9 years since I published the Princelings of the East. It seems a very long time ago, now, and I feel like a different person from the embarrassed pseudo-author I was then. But this is my IWSG post for December,
New Year, New Reads #NewBooks4Me – TODAY ONLY
Yes, for one day only, grab those gift cards you got for Christmas, and load your eReaders with books for 99c or the equivalent. Checkout all the participating authors here: My book offers I have the following books at Amazon.com
Book Blast: Halitor the Hero by Rebecca M Douglass
I’m delighted to present to you Halitor the Hero, a new book by Rebecca M Douglass, now available to pre-order from Amazon, and due out at the end of November. A Fair Maiden who breaks all the rules. A would-be
A Little Book News
I was reading Chuck Wendig’s post about self-promotion, and how you should present yourself and your books as the best version of yourself that you can. I realised that anyone reading my blog recently probably wouldn’t know that I write
Bravo Victor – Last chance of a FREE copy
Bravo Victor is the sixth in The Princelings of the East series, and stars Victor, keeper of the Inn of the Seventh Happiness, a much-loved character in four of the previous books. On Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th July, from
Tuesday haiku – friendship
Across the ocean Or travelling to join me, Friends are always here. One of my lamer attempts, but in honour of a visit from some Stateside friends. They’ve really come to see my guinea pigs. The picture is at Sandringham,
The week ahead
There are times in a blogger’s life when you just run out of things to talk about. Bloggers’ Block, perhaps? Funny, since I can always write something, even if it’s rubbish. Ah, there you have it – blogs are open
Time for a breather
After the lunacy of the April A to Z Challenge, it was time for a rest. Except that I was launching Bravo Victor, my sixth book. No rest, then. After the lunacy of the A to Z Challenge and the
The Talent Seekers – last chance of a free copy!
Well, your last chance on Amazon, at any rate! Why not join Bertie and hundreds of other people reading The Talent Seekers on Kindle this summer? It’s free on Amazon worldwide on Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th August – and
Should you put your blog on Kindle?
I came across a fascinating ‘How to…’ blog post during Talent Seekers’ first free day. In Is Your Blog On Kindle? A Quick ‘How To’ Get Your Blog On Kindle, Ruth Nina Welsh describes how to register your blog via Kindle
The Talent Seekers on Amazon
It’s here! The Talent Seekers has arrived. It’s now available on Amazon worldwide at http://www.amazon.com/Talent-Seekers-Princelings-East-ebook/dp/B00CWKBIN4/ Change the .com to your country store code if you’re in UK, Canada, France, Germany, Spain, Japan or Brazil. Humphrey is on the run. He
Lost City beats my target by miles
Lost City finished its final free days during its Amazon exclusive period early this morning. Thank you to everyone who shared, tweeted, gifted or just downloaded it! Particular thanks to all the free book sites that included it over the
Lost City – last chance of a free copy!
The Princelings and the Lost City, the third in the Princelings series, is FREE on Amazon today Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th October 2012. Just go your favourite Amazon ebook store and you should see the price as 0.00.
Lost City – free today!
The Princelings and the Lost City, the third in the Princelings series, is FREE on Amazon Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th September 2012. Just go your favourite Amazon ebook store and you should see the price as 0.00.
Lost City – free today!
The Princelings and the Lost City, the third in the Princelings series, is FREE on Amazon today Wednesday 22nd August 2012. Just go your favourite Amazon ebook store and you should see the price as 0.00.