The Gallery is a bit of balderdash that set Pete, the Swede, and their women off on a wild goose chase across the universe which eventually became The Perihelix. And I wrote it ten years ago! The fact that it’s
The Gallery | Flashback Fiction

The Gallery is a bit of balderdash that set Pete, the Swede, and their women off on a wild goose chase across the universe which eventually became The Perihelix. And I wrote it ten years ago! The fact that it’s
Flags was a writephoto prompt from April last year. I’ve been catching up now that K L Caly is on a break. I had an idea as a result of the photo, but somehow when I sat down to write
Ceiling is today’s #writephoto prompt from KL Caley at My thoughts on this one scattered like autumn leaves, but then when I settled down I decided that it really was an opportunity to visit the artist in action. I
I’ve spent the last three days talking about my chapter illustrations. You know I did them for the Princelings series – and most were specific to each book. Yes, I re-used several: views of Castle Buckmore, the Inn of the
I, Mona Lisa – a netgalley book that I couldn’t resist. The Mona Lisa telling her own story – the painting itself? How would that work? Brilliantly, as it turns out! A great addition to my Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge,
Danielle English is a talented artist and illustrator who uses the brand Kanizo Art to promote and sell her work. You’ve seen her work here, often. If you haven’t noticed it, I have problems. Dani does all my Princelings covers!
Chuck Wendig was a little late with his challenge this week, but fortunately I read the brief and thought of something pretty much straight away. “The borderlands expire thanks to the hundred violins.” “A poetic pattern retains inertia.” “The criminal