I’m not sure where I bought my copy of How to Read Water, but suspect it was while I was living next to a river. And not far from the sea. It made me nostalgic for both. How to Read
Book Review | How To Read Water

I’m not sure where I bought my copy of How to Read Water, but suspect it was while I was living next to a river. And not far from the sea. It made me nostalgic for both. How to Read
Enlightenment is Sarah Perry’s new novel, due out on May 2nd. Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for the advance copy. I’ve seen Sarah Perry at book events, and also read her lovely The Essex Serpent, so I was
The Cosmic Tourist came out in 2012, and I picked it up more or less straight away. It was probably Sir Patrick Moore’s last book, although he did have another Astronomy Year out posthumously. This is more of a coffee
The Light Ages came out in the autumn, and got squeezed off my reading schedule by A Life on Our Planet. I apologise to the publishers and Netgalley for this, and hope it won’t count against me too much. The
‘Quadrants’ was part of my worldbuilding series on the AtoZ Challenge for 2016. I’m doing flashbacks from my seven challenges in honour of the Tenth Anniversary. I have a science fiction series that goes by the name of the Viridian
Lyrids are a meteor shower that seems to come from the area of the sky with the constellation of Lyra behind them. They’re photobombing Lyra, if you like! This post comes from April 2015’s A to Z Challenge. My theme
In case you want to watch some more meteors, it’s the Perseid meteor shower this week, and you should get some good views from now till Friday, with the peak being tonight (early hours of 13th, UTC). This shower is because
A mash-up of a post for this Friday – it’s not really Flash Fiction, but it’s only 610 words, so it’s a sort of extended Quote and Question. This is from about halfway through The Perihelix (which I’m editing at present,
Meteor showers are the best time to look at the night skies in search of ‘shooting stars’. Meteors are particles of dust and other space particles that hit the earth’s atmosphere and burn up, causing a stream of light that
Halley’s Comet is one of the most famous of all, partly because it is featured on the Bayeux tapestry. It’s the most easily visible of the short-period comets, i.e. ones that come back fairly often, in Halley’s case every 75-76
There’s another comet in the skies, and this time it should be in a spot most people in the northern hemisphere could find, since it’s passing close to one of the most obvious constellations in the winter night sky –
The sleeper awakes: The full moon hangs low in the sky, And shines in her face. The full moon is indeed hanging low in the northern sky at present – it is at its lowest (from the northern hemisphere) part
A sight before dawn: Venus, Jupiter and Moon All close together! After what is called a conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in mid August – when objects appear to be very close together in the sky even though they are