Vineyard – a picture that came into my inbox hot on the heels of KL Caley’s #writephoto notification. And I was so taken with it that I emailed the senders asking for permission to use it. So I have. Sorry,
Vineyard | not #writephoto Flash Fiction

Vineyard – a picture that came into my inbox hot on the heels of KL Caley’s #writephoto notification. And I was so taken with it that I emailed the senders asking for permission to use it. So I have. Sorry,
Horizon: the start of another year of writephoto flash fiction inspired by KL Caley at This one came to me as I was cuddling Pippin, prior to phoning my brother on Saturday morning. I think I was still under
Solstice is on Wednesday, but this is my last post before Christmas, so I’m hopefully early on the Thursday prompt! Sorry, KL, I’m missing your Carriage prompt entirely. After last week’s wreath, I decided a visit to Castle Marsh was
Gargoyle: one of my favourite architectural features. I took many photos of them at Norwich RC Cathedral when I went there for a conference once and we had a ‘special’ tour, including the roof. But ‘gargoyle’ is also the #writephoto
Two seasonal fiction offerings lurk on my series pages. I thought you’d like to see them 🙂 Fred raised a glass of sparkling Wozna Cola and clinked it with Jasmine’s. “To 2022!” “Yes, to 2022, Daddy.” She sipped, and looked
Rough Steps is my take on this week’s writephoto–of a stairway, which as you can see is pretty rough-hewn. My thanks go to KL Caley of for continuing to keep us up to the mark with not only a
Yes, welcome to 2020, all insecure writers. Thank you to Alex J Cavanaugh and the IWSG team for letting us miss New Year’s Day as our posting date this month! The awesome co-hosts for the January 8 posting of the
The December question from the Insecure Writer’s Support Group relates to hopes and the reality. It suggests that insecure writers still in the ‘aspiring’ phase write about where they see themselves in a few years time. For those who have
F is for Fred and George. These two guinea pigs walked into my life on 26th July 2007, and changed it completely. They are the inspiration for all my fiction, since I had no idea I could write (in fact
Brothers are my inspiration. I didn’t think they were. I thought other people inspired my lead characters. Let’s explore this a little… The Princelings of the East series My princelings who inspired the whole series are Fred and George. More
Illusion: It’s funny sometimes how story ideas come about. I saw one programme (Bargain Hunt) talking about George Cayley, aviation pioneer born in the 18th century, and then a news piece about the anniversary of the RAF, interviewing one of
Fred’s Dilemma takes us forward in the Princelings saga, into the times of book 9. It’s a 1300-word capsule of life at Castle Marsh. I hope you enjoy it. It reminds me that I need to do some more pictures of
Guinea pigs came into my world on 26th July 2007. A red-letter day indeed. It was probably the first day of the rest of my life. At first I resisted making them my post for the Cherished BlogFest 2017. Then
My guest post for June is up on The Story Reading Ape. Read more of this post here….