Yes, what is new for 2025? The longer I imagine myself writing, even just short stories, the less I can think of that is new, interesting or exciting to actually write. I can think of several things I ought to
Solstice 2022 | not #writephoto Flash Fiction
Solstice is on Wednesday, but this is my last post before Christmas, so I’m hopefully early on the Thursday prompt! Sorry, KL, I’m missing your Carriage prompt entirely. After last week’s wreath, I decided a visit to Castle Marsh was
Y is for Years Events #AtoZChallenge2021
Years events is a term I cobbled together for my penultimate post in this year’s A to Z Challenge. I don’t often do the Road Trip, but since I’ve spent so much of this month just writing, and only commenting
Reflections on my 30 Days Wild #30DaysWild
30 Days Wild is more difficult than the AtoZ Challenge. That’s my first thought, and it’s because I need to do many of the actions only a day or two before I post about them. My second thought occurred halfway
#IWSG December – the five year question
Welcome to December’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. If you haven’t joined in yet, why not? It’s a way of sharing the ups and downs of our writing lives with others who know what they went through, and can appreciate your