My first week of 30DaysWild didn’t quite go to plan. When you normally look out for wild things, especially the first year in a new house, it’s hard to do anything different from that you do daily. First week
#30DaysWild – My wildness round-up and Pottery Bird
30 Days Wild is over for another year so it’s time to wind things up on the blog. First, a summary of the last few days, and then a quick review of the month. Days Wild 27 -30 In truth
#30DaysWild | 4 – completing the missions
Week 4 of 30 Days Wild sees me completing the Gardenwatch missions, and adding in more Random Acts of Wildness. There are only four days left in June, as I’m writing this for Thursday. There’ll be a final round-up on
#30DaysWild | 2 – fully-fledged Bird Detective
Second week of 30 Days Wild… after several Random Acts of Wildness last week, what have I planned this week – and done? Gardenwatch – Bird Detective As explained last week, this is a citizen science project for BBC Springwatch
30 Days Wild | 1 – Gardenwatch #30dayswild
One week into 30 Days Wild… well, nearly, since I’m writing this on Thursday. What have I done that’s wild this week? Gardenwatch It’s a gift! BBC Springwatch programme started last week, and I caught up with it last Friday