This week we have part 2 of The Wardrobe, so if you missed the first part, click back a couple of blog entries. I hope you enjoy it, kinda. I mean, it is Halloween! The Wardrobe, part 2 The next
Ten Years of Jemima’s Drivel – A WEP+IWSG Grave Mistake
Grave mistake is today’s WEP prompt, but first… Haiku Ten years pass in flash— plus reviews, news and info… Jemima Pett blogs! Ten years of my drivel or wittering or, if you’re kind, stories The trouble with blog anniversaries is
Trick or Treat Reads – a Halloween Offer!
Trick or Treat Reads is the brainchild of Patricia Josephine. Several authors are giving away free ebooks today as your Halloween treat! See the link below for more 🙂 Fantasy/epic/older MG/crossover series In honour of my new book, Chronicles of
Trick-Or-Treat Blog Hop 2018 #trickortreatreads
Trick-Or-Treat Blog hop is back again, thanks to Patricia Lynne. It’s Halloween – and it’s time for you to take a trip round those people who are giving you treats this month: FREE BOOKS! Dylan and Dougall’s Adventures I’m giving
#Fi50 for October | Horror
Horror, not surprisingly, is the prompt for this month’s Fiction in Fifty words. Fi50 was invented by Bruce Gargoyle, but is now administered by Rebecca Douglass at the Ninja Librarian. Just click over there to sign up for the meme
Book Review | Castle Hangnail by Ursula Vernon
Castle Hangnail is the GMGR Book of the Month selection for October, Halloween month. I’m very grateful to the Amazon resellers for getting a copy to me in time. It arrived around 12, I started it at 3.30, and finished
Book Review | Witch Week by Diana Wynne Jones
Witch Week caught my eye as I was browsing the mobile library shelves. The GMGR and other book of the month choices eluded me, so I hunted for something else that fell into the categories MG and suitable for Halloween
Halloween Trick-or-Treat | Traveler in Black and White
Halloween. It’s tomorrow, or if you’re in Australia or New Zealand, it might even be today, depending on when you read this. No matter. From now till 1st November Pacific time, I’m offering a FREE ebook as your Halloween treat.
Book Reviews – two MG reads for Halloween
Ghoulish Guinea Pig and Kit’s Wilderness featured in my TackleTBR in September, and both MG reads, strangely, feature ghosts. I thoroughly enjoyed both of them, although they are probably at opposite ends of the middle grade reader range. Gasp of
Trick or Treat Book Blog Hop
For the Trick or Treat Book Blog Hop, I’m giving away all of my ebooks for ONE DAY ONLY, i.e. until midnight Pacific time tonight (about 8am tomorrow in the UK). If you go to my Smashwords page, you’ll find them all
Halloween Special!
There’s an extract from The Traveler in Black and White on the Official Princelings site today. Hugo (Lord Mariusz of Hattan) has a paranormal experience on Hallowe’en!