Tigers of the Snow was one possibly recommended by Rebecca, as there are two of this name. I bought the paperback of the external view, rather than Tenzing Sherpa’s memoirs. The Light Eaters was a review copy from Netgalley and
Book Review | The Company of Owls by Polly Atkin
Coincidentally, I have had the company of owls over the last few weeks, as the local tawnies call around to see if this patch is taken. So I was delighted to receive an ARC from Netgalley and the publishers of
A New Forest flash | not a #writephoto
This is an unseasonal piece of New Forest flash non-fiction, just under 900 words. I decided I ought to write more about the Forest, which is an ancient hunting ground set aside by William the Conqueror, although I’d always thought
Book Review | 1066: The Year of the Conquest
1066: the Year of the Conquest by David Howarth takes the slot for Y in my Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge. In desperation, I gave up on alphabetical book lists and searched my tbr for specific words,like you and year. I’m
Book Review | How To Read Water
I’m not sure where I bought my copy of How to Read Water, but suspect it was while I was living next to a river. And not far from the sea. It made me nostalgic for both. How to Read
Book Review | Environomics by Dharshini David
I applied for an ARC of Environomics when I realised that it is already over 25 years since I studied environmental economics. It is also more than fifteen since I actually used any of it in my work. I’m very
Book Review | Bringing Down Goliath by Jolyan Maugham KC
Bringing Down Goliath is a tale of a legal nature–mainly how the law can be used by the small people to bring our governments to order. To act legally, in fact. I can’t remember exactly when I started to crowdfund
Book Review | The Bletchley Girls
The Bletchley Girls by Tessa Dunlop has been on my to-read list for more than 8 years. I think I must have been fascinated by the idea of the Secret Listeners since the 1970s when snippets started to leak out.
Book Review | Drunk Chickens and Burnt Macaroni
Drunk Chickens and Burnt Macaroni by Mary Smith has been in my Kindle for several years. I only added it to my Goodreads list in 2022, probably when housekeeping after Mary’s death from cancer that Christmas. We met at a
Book Review | Space Oddities by Harry Cliff
Space Oddities is subtitled The Mysterious Anomalies Challenging Our Understanding Of The Universe. I have become aware of several things that have scientists worried about whether Einstein was right or not. This seemed to at least gather them together for
Book Review | What If? Serious Scientific Answers …
What If? Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions is a book I picked up at Waterstones in Norwich several years ago now. I did look in it a couple of times when I was considering the use of vacuum
Book Review | Vet at the End of the Earth
Vet at the End of the Earth is the memoir of Jonathan (aka Joe) Hollins, a British vet who took up an internship in one of the British Overseas Territories in the South Atlantic, and somehow kept finding himself offered
Book Review | The Bone Chests by Cat Jarman
The Bone Chests are in Winchester Cathedral. They’ve been there for over a thousand years, with a bit of a furore during the Civil War in the 1600s. Cromwell’s troops have a lot to answer for. Cat Jarman takes an
Book Review | Surviving Transphobia
Surviving Transphobia is not the sort of book I usually read. I probably wouldn’t have picked it up at all had it not been for my friend, who is coming to terms with the transitioning of her youngest child. I
Book Review | Femina @DrJaninaRamirez
Femina is subtitled, A New History of the Middle Ages, Through the Women Written Out of It. Says it all, really. Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers, I got a late ARC for the book (plus an update with good