Vineyard – a picture that came into my inbox hot on the heels of KL Caley’s #writephoto notification. And I was so taken with it that I emailed the senders asking for permission to use it. So I have. Sorry,
Vineyard | not #writephoto Flash Fiction

Vineyard – a picture that came into my inbox hot on the heels of KL Caley’s #writephoto notification. And I was so taken with it that I emailed the senders asking for permission to use it. So I have. Sorry,
All the Light We Cannot See is one of those books you hear a lot about. I put it on my TBR. I picked it up on my occasional visits to Waterstones bookshop in Norwich, read the back, considered buying
This isn’t really flash, it’s an excerpt. In honour of the launch of White Water Landings on Tuesday for Nook, Kobo and iPad, (more details on Monday, including a special offer), I’m giving you a story from this memoir of a young man