Reading vs Writing seems to be the best title today. I thought I might as well do my half-yearly Reading Challenge update along with my IWSG post today, because the two are connected. PJ Colando, Kim Lajevardi, Gwen Gardner, Pat Garcia, and Natalie Aguirre! Reading
March 23 Quarter Progress report
It’s the end of March and time for my first quarter progress report. I’m making progress slowly partly because of health problems which I’ll come to later. I’ve also been preparing the A-Z challenge posts. The A to Z Challenge
First Quarter checkin | #spacetimereads 2022
My first quarter update is only slightly late! The SpaceTime Reading challenge is for reading addicts who want to try space scifi and timetravel genres for the first time, as well as hardened scifi addicts. I keep my list on
SpaceTime Reading Challenge 2022 – sign up here #spacetimereads
The SpaceTime Reading challenge needs a sign up post to circulate widely. It would be great to attract reading addicts who want to try space scifi and timetravel genres for the first time, but hardened scifi addicts are always welcome!
Reading Challenges – successes, failures, and promises
As usual, I give you a round-up of the trials and tribulation for my reading challenges, and tell you which ones I’m doing for the coming year. Lessons learned from Reading Challenges in 2020 Don’t take on hefty reading challenges
Spacetime Reading Challenge 2020 – sign up now
SpaceTime Sign-up time! Searching for a Science Fiction Reading Challenge? I had been for years. I found some with lists of classic or ‘new classic’ books to read, but I’ve either done those or rejected them for good reasons! Last
Achievements and Targets – the great round-up
Achievements of 2018 and Targets for 2019. It’s obligatory, really. And it’s going to be bullet-point mainly, with links to other places for more detail. All I can add is that I’ve been working really hard over Christmas to get
SpaceTime Reading Challenge Sign-up #spacetimereads
SpaceTime Launch! Searching for a Science Fiction Reading Challenge? I have been for years. I find some with lists of classic or ‘new classic’ books to read, but I’ve either done those or rejected them for good reasons! The answer?
2019 reading challenges – preparations begin here
2019 reading challenges beckon. It’s only a month away. Blog posts for December are mostly written, and the rest are planned. 2018 reading challenges approach their last gasp. If I don’t read the books on my ‘currently reading’ by the
Reading Challenge Round-up – first quarter 2018
My reading challenges are already one quarter of the way through. Three months has flown by, but I have read a lot of books: Goodreads tells me it’s now 16 and I’m five ahead of schedule. I’m not sure how
The 2018 Reading Challenge commitment
My 2018 Reading Challenge time is into its second week already, and I have nearly read one book. As with previous years, I have updated all my challenges on this main page, and then there are pages for each reading challenge.
Tackle your TBR pile in September – Sign up now!
Sign up now to reduce the length/size of your reading pile. September 11th to 24th sees the fifth TackleTBR Readathon, thanks to Tressa at Wishful Endings. The goal you set is entirely up to you – maybe you don’t even
Challenges: Camp Nano, Clean Sweep and others #AtoZChallenge
Challenges seem a good focus for my C of the A to Z this year. I write a guest post for The Story Reading Ape’s blog, mostly published on the second Sunday of the month. Somehow I got myself into
#Tackle TBR Readathon Challenge
Welcome, everybody, to my Challenge for the Tackle Your TBR Read-a-thon 2016. First off, I’m going to explain about my series, then I’ll set you a Challenge, and then there’s the giveaway. The Princelings of the East by Jemima Pett
TBR Read-a-Thon 12th-26th September
Once again, Wishful Endings is hosting the Tackle your TBR Read-a-thon, starting tomorrow and ending on Sept 26th. I’m doing my start-up post early, since I’ve got something special for you tomorrow, but I’ve got another special something on Wednesday,