Again? I thought I Articulated I wasn’t Addressing the A to Z Challenge Again this year. Well, blogging through the Alphabet each April Appears to be Addictive. It’s April 1st, and so we Advance on our Assault of the Alphabet,
A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal Blogfest
Greetings, one and all, welcome, welcome! Here we are for the great and amazing Theme Reveal Blogfest, where hundreds of people unleash their plans for the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge. And this year my theme is… Natural Phenomena
A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal!
All over the web, people are signing up for the A to Z Challenge – which starts April 1st. Blog from A to Z starting with A on the first, B on the 2nd… take Sundays off and end at
Tuesday haiku – AtoZ Theme Reveal
Have you got a theme For the April A to Z? Reveal it with us! The #A2ZReveal is a great opportunity for everyone to get a jump start on your #atozchallenge #blogging experience. You can link up with fellow #bloggers,