Outlaw Heroes has been in my Kindle a long time, since about November 2013. I have a feeling I picked it up as a special offer – kindle free days or similar. Those were the days! It is definitely a
Blogging from A to Z Challenge sign up today #flashbackfriday
Blogging from A to Z in April Challenge opens today! It’s the tenth year, and I’ve done seven of them. You can sign in here. What is blogging from A to Z? A post every day of the month except
Pre-Order TICK TOCK #IWSG Anthology
Tick Tock: A Stitch in Crime is coming to bookstores near you! I’m delighted to inform you, in case you haven’t seen the news already, that Tick Tock: A Stitch in Time, the #IWSG Anthology for 2018 is nearly out
Tuesday haiku #26
Back to GMT: Mornings lighter, eve’nings dark. For a little while.
I started writing these stories with a tale of a time tunnel. I’m not quite sure why I thought this was a good idea, or why I picked 12 years as the number of years the time tunnel shifted the