Ok, so I’ve left Camp NaNoWriMo for another year. It’s a really good challenge to keep me focused on writing every day. What it stops me doing, really, is reading long books (I can read something that takes me one
Postcard from Camp 4
Well, I reached the stage where I couldn’t put the book down last weekend, and thanks to taking my laptop downstairs in front of the TV and watching the Open Golf Championship all weekend, I wrote for over five hours
Postcard from Camp 3
Thank you all for your good wishes. I’m feeling lots better, thanks to antibiotics, inhalers, anti-inflammatories, fruit, water and rest! Once I was up to sitting at the keyboard I found I caught up my word-count quite quickly. I think
Postcard from Camp 2
Well more or less as soon as I sent my last postcard I went down with a virus that kept me in bed (or at least on the sofa snuggled under a blanket) for three days. Amazing how good the
Postcard from Camp 1
Well, here I am at Camp NaNoWriMo, beavering away at my new story. I hope it will turn into the sixth book. Some of my original ‘Victor’s Story’, written three or more years ago, may survive and be included, but
Off to Camp NaNoWriMo
Once upon a time I went to Summer Camp in the USA. Wisconsin, to be precise. It was hugely enjoyable, although there were also some odd incidents as a result of people making false assumptions. Hmm, I must put that
Reflections on the April A to Z Challenge 2013
My name is Victor and I’m the barman of the Inn of the Seventh Happiness in Jemima’s stories. I’m also her oldest guinea pig now that Fred, George and Hugo have passed on. I try to keep George’s Guinea Pig
Last chance to get The Traveler in Black and White FREE
Today, 20th February, is Victor’s birthday! To celebrate, The Traveler in Black and White is FREE for the last time on Amazon worldwide. This engaging tale explains how Lord Mariusz aka Hugo came to find the land at the end