The Alphabet Soup reading challenge
is run by Lori Caswell at Escape with Dollycas into a Good Book
The challenge is to read one book whose title gives you a letter of the alphabet, not counting A and The as starting letters, making 26 in all. I’ll be adding my titles that qualify during the year, just one per letter, and linking them to my reviews here. The challenge, of course is to come up with books for the difficult letters, although Lori allows some leeway in where the Q, X or Z turns up in the title.
You can do book titles or the Author edition: same idea, but this time the author’s name determines the letter. I did this version in 2019, and a sort of mixture in 2020.
Previous Results
- 2016: completed
- 2017: did all with X as Extraordinary…
- 2018: missed X
- 2019: Author Edition – complete!
- 2020: Abandoned X.
- 2021: ditto
- 2022: Completed! Yay!
Challenge for 2023
Keeping it simple. Titles of books, not counting A or The, with some leeway on where Q, X or Z appear. And if you let me off my cheat for X, it’s ‘Challenge complete’!
A – The Art of Spirit Capture by Geoff Le Pard (read Mar-23)
B – Bugs by J R Teidemann (read Jan-23)
C – Cassafire by Alex J Cavanaugh (read Feb-23)
D – The Diamond Eye by Kate Quinn (read May-23)
E – Extremophile: Violet Rain (The Unwinding #2) by Juliana Rew (read Jul-23)
F – Fractions of Existence by J Lenni Dorner (read Jan-23)
G – The Ghost Theatre by Mat Osman (read Mar-23)
H – Half Life (Russell’s Attic #2) by S L Huang (read Jun-23)
I – Influenced by Patricia Josephine (read Jun-23)
J – Juicy Ghosts by Rudy Rucker (read Dec-23)
K – Kiwi and the Missing Magic (Kiwi Series #2) by Vickie Johnstone (read Nov-23)
L – Love Will Tear Us Apart (Stranger Times #3) by C K McDonnell (read Jan-23)
M – Meru (The Alloy Era #1) by S B Divya (read Mar-23)
N – Nightspark by Michael Mann (read Jan-23)
O – The Outskirters Secret (the Steerswoman #2) by Rosemary Kirstein (read Apr-23)
P – A Psalm for the Wild-Built (Monk & Robot #1) by Becky Chambers (read May-23)
Q – Quantum Radio by A G Riddle (read Feb-23)
R – Raven’s Children (Sequoyah #2) by Sabrina Chase (read Jun-23)
S – The Shadows of London (Marwood & Lovett #6) by Andrew Taylor (read Feb-23)
T – Tschiffely’s Ride by Aime Tschiffely (reread Apr-23)
U – Untamed Shore by Silva Moreno-Garcia (read Jul-23)
V – The Vanishing Face of Gaia by James Lovelock (read May-23)
W – Wreck of the Lanternfish (Lanternfish #3) by C S Boyack (read Jan-23)
X – X (Kiss) of the Spider Woman by Manuel Puig (read Jan-23)
Y – You Think You Know Me by Ayaan Mohamud (read Feb-23)
Z – Stand on Zanzibar by John Brunner (read Jun-23)