I couldn’t find a Booker Prize challenge that let me dip in ad hoc, so I’ve invented this one. I’ve always thought it a bit highbrow for my tastes, but having read Hotel du Lac and Bring Up the Bodies in the past, I realise highbrow does not necessarily mean I won’t enjoy them.

The Booker Prize organisation does its own challenge, which involves reading the longlisted novels for the year. That’s too much for me, but I’ve borrowed from their graphics.

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graphics from Bookerprize.com

My Booker Prize Challenge

I aim to read four novels from the list of Booker Prize winners (I considered doing it over two years, but maybe I’ll go for one). I’ve actually picked out about twelve I think I’d enjoy, based partly on the quiz on the Booker Prize site, ‘which should you read next?.’ I got one for Christmas. I’ll list my successes here.

My shortlist:

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