The Gallery is a bit of balderdash that set Pete, the Swede, and their women off on a wild goose chase across the universe which eventually became The Perihelix. And I wrote it ten years ago! The fact that it’s
The Gallery | Flashback Fiction

The Gallery is a bit of balderdash that set Pete, the Swede, and their women off on a wild goose chase across the universe which eventually became The Perihelix. And I wrote it ten years ago! The fact that it’s
I’ve not done any Friday Flash Fiction for a few months now. You may (or may not) have noticed. I started doing a regular flash fiction on Fridays way back… I have 301 posts tagged as ‘short stories’, the first
The End is in the Beginning is this month’s fiction in fifty words prompt. Fi50, or fiction in fifty words, is the ultimate in flash fiction. Get the whole story into fifty words, and make sure your reader’s imagination fills
Real Estate. That’s Chuck’s theme of the week. It seems a common problem at present; several of my blogging friends are moving, or thinking of doing so. I’m too busy at present to have written a flash fiction for today,
Ghosts of the Sea Queen: With no particular prompt this week I went back to the list of titles Chuck Wendig gave us a few weeks back, and picked out this one, with various Marie Celeste images floating through my
As mentioned last week, Chuck Wendig invited us to provide three word titles from which he’d select ten for us to pick from for our 1000 words this week. The (awesome) winning selections were (with owners): All Flags Fall (lbstribling)
The prompt from Chuck Wendig for this week is ‘Rebellion’, which is about where I am in planning the Princelings books, at present, although I’m currently re-editing The Perihelix. This is an excuse for my mind not switching into a third
Welcome to this month’s Insecure Writers Support Group post. You can join in by signing up at where you’ll also find the long list of people to visit each month. I tend to visit all my ‘follow’ blogs and at
Today’s challenge from Chuck is to start with a stranger at the door and write 1000 words. I fancied a little more Viridian System backstory – you may find referring to my world-building post on Ulric useful, but it’s not important.
Chuck gave us a simple challenge this week – pick one of the seven deadly sins, and go for it. So here are 1000 words on Kaa Birith’s hospitality at work. The Kaa is a senator of the Imperium, and
Aagh. Chuck challenged us to do a non-fiction piece about ourselves. I thought of a few more entertaining incidents in my life, but frankly, I didn’t want to share them. I’m trying to forget they ever happened! This one popped
OK, this is a very short Flash Fiction this Friday, because I’m still at Camp and it’s time for Bruce Gargoyle’s Fiction in Fifty words feature for the month. The theme is the title…Public Enemy Number One. What, no Chuck
The last two weeks have seen one story, then the continuation of one written by someone else, and so this week, we have my completion of two other author’s work from previous weeks. Blame Chuck Wendig who sets these challenges
Well, Chuck pulled a fast one on us, and made last week’s first half only the first third! So this will be the second third of a story, the first part of which was written by someone else. I think
Chuck’s flash fiction prompt this week required that we include a colour from his list in our titles. Being a glutton for punishment I picked two at random (thank you, my random number selector). I don’t seem ready to let