An extract from The Perihelix (or whatever I’m working on at Camp NaNoWriMo) is my best offering for Flash Fiction this month. This 550 word section follows on from the snippet I gave you on Wednesday. Of course, you don’t
Book Launch | Willoughby the Narrator #AtoZChallenge #giveaway
Willoughby starts with W. What better way to fulfil the W post of the #AtoZChallenge than launching my latest book. It’s out today on all platforms and should be in all the online stores. If you haven’t read any of
Victor – an interview #AtoZChallenge
Victor has appeared on the A to Z several times – in 2015 when I was about to launch his book Bravo Victor (Book 6 of the Princelings of the East), my theme was the phonetic alphabet. That gave me ample
#FridayFlash Excerpt | How not to start a rebellion
The prompt from Chuck Wendig for this week is ‘Rebellion’, which is about where I am in planning the Princelings books, at present, although I’m currently re-editing The Perihelix. This is an excuse for my mind not switching into a third
Postcard from Camp – 16th July
Dear All What a week! I finished Willoughby the Narrator on Monday. It was great, since on Sunday I when I finished writing, I realised what needed to happen to get to the end of the book, left myself a note
#Fridayflash excerpt | The Explosive Mixture
I apologise for the lack of an original story today. What with rewriting, editing and beta-reading, I just haven’t got my flash fiction brain in gear. Chuck Wendig gave us the challenge to start with a bang, literally, and I thought
Report from Camp NaNoWriMo
The price of doing both Camp NaNoWriMo AND the A to Z Challenge in April was that my reading time disappeared completely and my email answering time was sadly neglected. In fact, I only dealt with urgent emails. When I
Starts today – my Princelings of the East Blog Tour with My Family’s Heart
We’re off! I hope you’ll visit the nice people who are hosting me these two weeks, and leave comments and/or likes on their posts. 22nd September Here is what I read blog: interview and book feature Christy’s Cozy Corners excerpt the Hellvis Compendium excerpt
Flash Excerpt and Question
A mash-up of a post for this Friday – it’s not really Flash Fiction, but it’s only 610 words, so it’s a sort of extended Quote and Question. This is from about halfway through The Perihelix (which I’m editing at present,
Quote and Question
Here’s an idea. I post a quote for you, probably from one of my books, and then give you a question related to it. Lame? Well, let’s try it for a couple of months and see what happens. The quote: