The K’Barthan Extras are a series of novella-length stories featuring the Pan of Hamgee – the star of M T McGuire’s funny, fantastic, thrilling fantasy/scifi series. I reviewed the first two in January. These are just as good. Close Enough
Book Review | K’Barthan Extras #1+2
The K’Barthan Extras are a series of novella-length stories featuring the Pan of Hamgee – the star of M T McGuire’s funny, fantastic, thrilling fantasy/scifi series. It’s been a while since I reviewed the full length books. Those start with
Book Review | Near + Far by Cat Rambo
Near + Far is a combination of two short story collections by Cat Rambo. I understand that in the paperback they are put together in that format where you can start from either end, a sort of half upside-down book.
#SciFi and #Fantasy books for only 99c THIS WEEKEND 2-3 June
SciFi and Fantasy books for 99c Look out this weekend for over 60 science fiction and fantasy books by indie authors all for 99c (99p in UK) on Amazon (and usually elsewhere, too). These include The Perihelix, the first in