Read an Ebook Week runs at the beginning of March each year. Over at Smashwords, Mark Coker recommends we all take part and get in on a promotion where people just love to find new authors. I used to join
Read an Ebook Week 2019 #ebookweek19

Read an Ebook Week runs at the beginning of March each year. Over at Smashwords, Mark Coker recommends we all take part and get in on a promotion where people just love to find new authors. I used to join
SciFi and Fantasy books for 99c Look out this weekend for over 60 science fiction and fantasy books by indie authors all for 99c (99p in UK) on Amazon (and usually elsewhere, too). These include The Perihelix, the first in
Yes, for one day only, grab those gift cards you got for Christmas, and load your eReaders with books for 99c or the equivalent. Checkout all the participating authors here: My book offers I have the following books at
I hope you’ve been enjoying the excerpts from my books that I’ve had in this spot for the last six weeks. At the end of each excerpt there was a coupon code for a 50% discount on the books from