The Scream is the work continuing WEP’s art theme for this year’s flash fiction prompts. Edvard Munch was a Norwegian born artist who split much of his working life between Berlin and Paris. Mental health issues ran in the family, so
In Search of the Wave #flashfiction #WEPFF
The Wave by Hokusai. An iconic piece of art that has been much used (and abused) over the years due to the ownership of the print blocks being in the publisher’s name, not the artist or his descendants. My art
Friday Flash Fiction is moving to Wednesdays
I’ve not done any Friday Flash Fiction for a few months now. You may (or may not) have noticed. I started doing a regular flash fiction on Fridays way back… I have 301 posts tagged as ‘short stories’, the first
August #IWSG Day – Pitfalls and publication
The Insecure Writers Support Group #IWSG posts every first Wednesday of the month. Today’s question: What pitfalls would you warn other writers to avoid on their publication journey? I’d like to thank our Co-Hosts today: Erika Beebe, Sandra Hoover, Susan Gourley, and Lee Lowery! Please