We start on the planet Draco, inhabited by sentient wolves with their own history and culture who watch some humans arrive in a spaceship. Flip forward into a science fiction whodunnit type of scenario, very smartly done and very intriguing with cleverly imagined scientific development and medical procedure, wrapped up in a space opera. I found this part of the book very exciting and well written and I was eager for more.
Eventually our heroes arrive on Draco, where they are compelled to settle, despite having unwittingly carried their arch-enemy to the planet with them. Draco’s inhabitants have evolved a feudal system of castles and knights, and the old king is dying… The story weaves an intriguing tale of good guys from different cultures, and bad guys in one culture… with the wolves playing their part in the development of the saga. I found this part a little flowery at times, and the action part a little less exciting, and having succeeded in the first part of the quest there are three further years of development of their lives on Draco which are probably necessary for the series but a little tame for the ending of this particular book. But it is a well told tale and offers promise for the future books in the series.
This is the first in a Science fiction series which is leaning towards a fantasy adventure. Suitable for YA and upwards, and probably Middle-Graders as well, as the sex scenes are suggestive but short enough for those who might not yet be interested in them!
I hope the second in the series lives up to the promise of the first.
Howl of the Wolf by Diane Rapp