Interviews are well on the way and are scheduled as follows:
- 28th June: Princeling Fred of Castle Marsh
- 5th July: Victor Barton of the Inn of the Seventh Happiness
- 12th July: Hugo (Lord Mariusz of Hattan)
- 19th July: Prince Lupin of Buckmore
- 26th July: Professor Saku of Castle Hattan
- 2nd August: Lady Nimrod of Buckmore
- 9th August: Lord Smallweed of Vexstein
- 16th August: Princess Kira of Marsh (formerly Dimerie)
- 23rd August: Sundance, of the secret service
- 30th August: Ludo, the Pirate King
- 6th September: Princeling George of Castle Marsh
I still haven’t made contact with Ludo, as of course he is on the high seas, but I hope to have interviewed him by then. If not, George’s interview will appear a week early. I would like to thank all the other interviewees for their acceptance of the assignment and for their hospitality. I have really enjoyed my visits.
Subject to agreement from some other people, I will be publishing a picture of the guinea pig who inspired each of the characters along with the interviews. Now that I have been clear about the Princelings of the East being guinea pigs, it might help to see them as I see them!
Interview your Favourite Characters (3)