The party to launch the Princelings of the East – The Trilogy will be on Friday 26th October between 10pm and midnight UK time.  That’s 23.00 to 01.00 Europe, 5 pm to 7 pm New York and 2 pm to 4 pm Pacific.  And 8 am to 10 am Saturday in Sydney, Australia.

I’m  giving away a copy of the paperback and also three Smashwords vouchers for free ebooks in the Princelings series.

I’ll be online on the official website, on Twitter (#princelings) and on our Facebook page  I’ll even be on the Rodents With Attitude Wheekbox for members there! (all subject to my wifi working)

For full details and to enter the giveaway nip over to the official site or our facebook page.  Giveaway starts midnight 23 Oct (Pacific time, i.e. 8 am that day UK) and ends midnight 27th (Saturday, or 8 am Sunday UK)

Trilogy Launch Party and Giveaway!
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