I’ve just been looking at (and voting for) the first cut of the nominations for the Goodreads Choice Awards for 2012.  I added a number of books that I’ve read and reviewed that qualified, and was surprised that some didn’t, among them The Princelings of the East.  I published it two days too early to be included in this year’s awards!

There are a huge number of sections to be voted for, so if you’re a Goodreads member (and if not, why not?) go and vote for their choices or add your own ideas in.  The next cut will include those nominations from members that meet the review and voting criteria.  Yes, number of reviews and average star rating are part of those criteria.

Go to Goodreads.com to make your selections.

I think the effect of the publication criteria will be to make me publish Traveler on 26th November.  It’s a week later than I’d planned, but it will still be in Amazon stores worldwide for all those Christmas shoppers. And eligible for the 2013 Awards!

Goodreads Choice Awards 2012
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