Friday is Valentine’s day.  I have to confess this hasn’t meant much to me for the past few years since you may have guessed I’m currently single and not looking!  I have known people who give their pets Valentines, but I’m not one of them.  I limit that sort of thing to birthdays and Christmas.Super-Sweet Blogger Award

I do understand why many, many people like to give their loved ones tokens varying from a heart-shaped sweet to a fourteen night cruise in the most romantic setting they can find.  So, thinking a little more affordable than that, I can offer you the love story of Fred and Kira, which is part of the mystery and adventure that wraps itself up in The Princelings and the Lost City!

Lost City cover

Up until midnight on Friday, you can get Lost City for just 99c with the coupon code NF74C at Smashwords. What’s more, since the first book in the series, The Princelings of the East, is 99c permanently, and the second, Princelings and the Pirates is $2.99, you can get your loved one the entire trilogy for just under $5.  You can gift them, you can download them onto their own kindle, nook or iPad, or whatever eReading form they prefer.  Or if you want something more tangible and want to pay a little more, you can buy the paperback direct from Amazon or Createspace and hope it arrives in time for your Valentine’s evening dinner.  (If you’re not in the USA, Amazon might just deliver in time).

If you’re buying roses instead, please try to get them from somewhere relatively local, and not flown zillions of miles for the occasion.

Especially for your Valentine

11 thoughts on “Especially for your Valentine

  • 10 February, 2014 at 6:22 am

    Valentine’s is not for me either, though I’m happily married (and not looking, lol).

    I believe everyday is a Valentine’s day, and we show our love each time we can, because that’s precious. Been RTing about your series!

    • 10 February, 2014 at 12:01 pm

      Thanks, Damyanti! Yeah, love is an everyday thing 😀

  • 10 February, 2014 at 3:13 pm

    Nice! I’m not much on the whole Valentines Day thing either. Going with International Book Giving Day instead!

  • 10 February, 2014 at 4:17 pm

    It is time for hearts
    Made of red paper and lace
    Valentines to you

  • 10 February, 2014 at 10:08 pm

    I still get my kids a little something for Valentine’s Day. They are mostly grown but, meh, I still like to let them know I’m thinking about them. Hubby and I just do a card and something inexpensive.

    Great to meet you fellow minion!

    AJ’s wHooligan in the A-Z Challenge

  • 11 February, 2014 at 8:57 pm

    I usually celebrate Valentines with a girls night out. hahah

    All the single ladies!!!

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