Well, it’s been a busy month: I’ve managed to average two hours a day writing The Perihelix – which might be retitled the Parahelix before I’m done – despite about five days out doing other things.
While I’ve been out at camp there’s been a Giveaway – the Couldn’t Put It Down Hop – which was won by Judy C. She gets a kindle copy of Fizz & Peppers at the Bottom of the World, which I raved about here, and also The Talent Seekers, because Rebecca called it ‘riveting’! Thanks, Rebecca!
Bravo Victor finished its final Kindle free days with a whimper, although to be fair, I didn’t promote it very much, and I feel it’s much better to let people read the rest first. To that end, I’ve had all three ebooks of the Trilogy on sale FREE at Smashwords, and the next two, Traveler in Black and White and Talent Seekers, available for half price, all through July. If you haven’t taken up that offer, you’ve got till Thursday midnight, Pacific Time. Bravo Victor will be going onto Smashwords in August and then to B&N, Tunes, Kobo etc., soon afterwards. I’ll let you know when it’s out!
Thursday midnight, New York time sees the start of my next Giveaway – Beach Reads In August, with the offer of the paperback of The Ides of April, by Lindsey Davis, to an address in Europe, or the kindle version internationally. This is another Stuck In Books hop that runs till August 15th and the post will be live very late on Thursday evening. My review of the book will be out on Saturday 🙂
There’ll be a final postcard from Camp on Friday and then I’ll be reverting to Flash Fiction Fridays.
On Mondays through August, though, I’m trying out a Book Blogger Hop, answering a set question and seeing how other book bloggers and their commenters answer it. Some of the set questions look a little repetitive to me, so I’m planning to do them each Monday to 1st September, then maybe drop in another from time to time when I need inspiration or I’m just intrigued by the question of the week. If you’re interested in participating yourself, check out Coffee Addicted Writer.
Now back to my sun lounger. How’s your July/August?
How’s your tan coming along? Any mosquito bites? And how are your guinea pigs? Would love to see more pictures of them!
Tan is under control – I try to keep out of the sun, but the upper arms are starting to catch up with the lower arms which get exposure when playing golf. The legs are browner too, although only I can tell. Mosquitoes not too bad – I don’t react to them like I used to as I have anti-histamines all year round. For more pictures of the boys, check out http://guineapigging.wordpress.com 🙂
Thanks for the link. The boys are darling, and the pictures seem to indicate quite different personalities. Do they miss one of their friends when he takes the Rainbow Bridge?
It was hard to see guinea pigs being eaten in Ecuador.
I suspect Humphrey is missing Victor, even though they were quite grouchy together. Grumpy old men. 🙂
Fred definitely pined for George, even though he was a perfect gentleman, as ever.
They are definitely sweet and it’s nice to know that have personalities. Do slip pictures in now and then. A lab I once worked in had a guinea pig we named Doris. We used to put her in a clear plastic running ball and she would follow us down the hall, into the elevator, and then out to where we had coffee!
Regular visitors might want to know what’s happening to all the things listed for August, since the blog isn’t working properly.
The bad news – it looks like I’m going to have to reinstall the blog from scratch. My last posts save was at the end of April. If the reinstall deletes the posts I will put back the book reviews, flash fiction and Monday updates. But I’m not going to do that reinstall till my Beach Reads Giveaway ends on 15th August.
There are some posts which I have prepared which will show up on schedule. Not many, since I left a lot for final checking and adding photos, which was the big problem that got me into this mess. There are some scheduled book reviews.
So I’m afraid you’ll be putting up with this chaos till around 16th August, after which let’s hope it all works properly again.
I can only communicate through these comments – or you could try my publisher website
Hang in there, Jemima. Isn’t technology wonderful?