There’s another comet in the skies, and this time it should be in a spot most people in the northern hemisphere could find, since it’s passing close to one of the most obvious constellations in the winter night sky – Orion!
From now until 7th January Comet Lovejoy is heading closer to Earth, but that won’t make too much difference to its brightness for the rest of the month.
Click this link for a good chart on how to spot it:
To read more (and for nice pictures) look here:
Comet spotting
Finally got the tiniest glimpse of it last night – bright moon & light-polluted skies don’t help, but it’s there in binoculars at least. Going out again in an hour to try again!
I had a look last night too, but I can’t say I saw it – I saw something that might have been it, but if so it wasnt obvious. Too much moon and by the time the moon gets out of the way I bet the comet will have gone…
It should be at least a binocular object through early February, and naked eye (from a dark sky location) for the next two weeks or so. You should get your chance in a few days when the moon’s rising later!
If it ever stops raining here, I will look for it. Thanks for the heads up!
Good luck!
I’ll check, if we get a clear night. But sadly city lights make star-gazing a challenge here.
Best keep an eye on Momdude’s blog, Rebecca – he’s in southern California.