Time and Tinplate is the third of my 2021 Flash Fiction Collections. It’s coming out in June –the 10th to be precise– and features the stories in which time or time travel are of the essence. And it’s my T for the A to Z Challenge today!

Time and Tinplate: Sir Woebegone and Other Timely Tales

Ah — this is where Sir Woebegone is hiding! For fans of my flash fiction, the Woebegone stories are a highlight.

Sir Woebegone is a hapless knight in somewhat derelict armour (the tinplate) who acquired a reputation for winning when the odds were against him. This was entirely undeserved, since all he had to do was put his hand on his sword, and he transported somewhere else. The short stories where he discovers his powers and learns to use (and abuse) them are nearly all in this volume. Nearly, because I’m saving one for the Christmas edition, and who’s to say I won’t write more in future. Or maybe I’ve already written them in the past but I don’t know it yet.

Yes – there’s plenty of twists through playing with time in this one. They include several variations on time machines, some futuristic and some alien. Occasions when time plays tricks feature, too. I love a bit of timely fun in my stories, as you may realise when my Reading Challenge includes both space and time #spacetimereads. (Join in any time)

Pre-order links

Amazon ~~~ AppleBooks ~~~ B&N ~~~ Kobobooks~~~Smashwords

critters, greed, time and tinplate, weird

How’s my Nano going?

Check out the progress bar in the footer to see how I’m doing on my target of 85,000 words for Zanzibar’s Rings (Viridian System #3). With a week to go, I should be around 70,000 at least.

T is for Time and Tinplate #AtoZChallenge2021

4 thoughts on “T is for Time and Tinplate #AtoZChallenge2021

  • 23 April, 2021 at 7:17 am

    Whoa! You have a whole book of flash fiction? How’d you do that? I got into flash fiction with a weekly challenge a few years ago, then my 2019 AtoZ was all flash fiction, and this one is going back to it. Some good, some need work, but the AtoZ timeline means writing when uninspired at times. so…
    Doesn’t Speak Klingon

    • 23 April, 2021 at 9:49 am

      I have four short books of flash fiction! If you started in around 2013 and do one a week, you get towards 500 quite quickly 🙂
      Thanks for visiting.

  • 26 April, 2021 at 2:47 pm

    Impressive, Jemima! One of your books just arrived to join the pile that will be Christmas presents!

    • 27 April, 2021 at 9:09 pm

      Hmm, I think I know which one that might be 🙂

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