Writing is today’s, and Toast was the prompt for Friday. I had an interesting couple of days last week with machinery going wrong, including my heating system. Not the right sort of weather for heating problems, but I’m beginning to think it was caused by a wifi glich, as I also had to restart the wifi, the phone is crackling, and the water people were mending something in the road just before that….
Just Jot It January is by Linda Hill (with help from her friends). You can jot something down for the prompt anywhere, any time, just post it on your blog before the end of the month (so it seems). You can read the full instructions here.

Writing on Toast – Jan 12th/14th
This is linked back to Barbara’s and Joanne’s posts for the days.
Instant thoughts …
I used to do a lot of writing. I could live in the worlds I wrote about, miles, centuries, lightyears from the space I was actually occupying, until I came up for air. Or a rest. Or because I’d finished a scene or chapter and wanted to think about what happened next.
And usually, I’d be hungry.
I was hungry NOW.
I believe it’s one of the main problems for people like me… overweight… that writing probably makes you fatter. Unless you have someone to keep you in line, eat at regular intervals, and eat healthy food, the temptation to microwave something, or put a slice of toast in the toaster… well, pretty much instant gratification.
And… I adore cheese on toast. I don’t just like it, I could live on it. Toasted sandwiches, and Marmite on toast, too.
At present I have trouble cutting and slicing, although I am managing to spread things on crackers. Marmite is easy to spread. Although I might buy sliced bread, I’d rather have something nicer.
Toasted muffins, now. Muffins are wonderful. Pop the whole thing in the toaster, bang it when it first comes out to help it split better, split, lash in the alternative butter (I use Pure Olive since we had the sunflower shortage), and add the topping. Cheese (Stilton or Wensleydale are best and easier to cut if left out on the cheese dish), or Marmite, or jam–I have some homemade Apple and Bramble to finish up. I’ve also been known to have scrambled egg on them on the rare occasions I eat an egg.

I’m with you – toast and cheese!
There’s a problem with living on melted cheese toast? 😜
I really hear you about the eating problem. I’m all too fond of snacks and treats… especially when the writing gets tough. At least since I bake my own bread I know what’s in it!
By the way, I’ve had trouble the last couple of days with the link that comes in my notification email.
Well, the pictures aren’t showing here, which they were in my preview. It may mean that Jetpack’s upgraded again, so nothing works properly. I’ll check.
Oh yes yum ….I am hungry now 💜😃
I agree with almost everything – except marmite. Yuck! John is a big fan unfortunately, so we always have to have it in the house.
Looks like I have posted in the wrong place… Don’t know how I did that? I can see the photo it looks yum 💕💕💕💕
Just saying hi – and frustrated by chronic flickering –
On Toast ? Have to be both gf and soya free ( deviation not a good idea, too skinny already)
GF bread on sale too often somewhere between blotting paper and polystyrene,
costs far too much, but last week, I tried baking Boyle’s Law Bread.
That Boyle. Might need to adjust the mass and temperature, but results so far impressive. Almost two centuries before the great hunger, his recipe replaces about 50% of the wheat with potato. Works with GF flour too. And cheese.
Hungry again already… Next celebrity chef to try ? Franklin, of course.