Tenacious is the prompt for Friday. As I write this I have no idea what I’m going to do. But Just Jot It January is supposed to be pretty much as it comes to you, so here goes.
Just Jot It January is by Linda Hill (with help from her friends). You can jot something down for the prompt anywhere, any time, just post it on your blog before the end of the month (so it seems). You can read the full instructions here.

Tenacious – Jan 19th
This is linked back to Cheryl‘s blog and to Linda’s post for the day.
Instant thoughts on ‘tenacious’…
Well, maybe a very small flash fiction. Is this a drabble? Or a dribble?
She had no idea how long she’d been climbing along the tunnel. All she knew was that the light was ahead of her, and she could sense food and freedom there. A noise, a pattering ahead, reminded her of a previous event. Yes. Here it comes!
She lay up against the wall of the tunnel, feet fixed to any slight protuberance she could find. A wall of water flushed past her, over her, soaking her hair, and pulling at least one foot from the tunnel. The water lessened, she shook her feet alternately, and then failed to grip again as another surge of water came through. She unfolded herself some ten feet back, and started again. Her middle name wasn’t Tenacious for nothing.
It was just that Incy Tenacious Wincy didn’t make for a good poem.
Interesting that the first thing Google came up with was Itsy Bitsy spider… is there a difference in UK v US here?
I love this Jemima this is just brilliant 💜💜💜
I love stories that leave me lots of questions! I would describe you, Jackie, as tenacious for so many reasons!
Definitely an itsy bitsy spider, or eensy weensy spider, over here.
Clever! And interesting linguistic variation. I also know it as Incy Wincy Spider.