Atrocious is the prompt for Friday. I had this song floating around my brain, and decided to offer the key word to JusJoJan!
Just Jot It January is by Linda Hill (with help from her friends). You can jot something down for the prompt anywhere, any time, just post it on your blog before the end of the month (so it seems). You can read the full instructions here.

Atrocious – Jan 26th
This is linked back to Linda’s post for the day. It’s my word of the day!
Whenever I hear the word atrocious, it always gets me going… on supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. And I bet you’ll have it on the brain for the rest of the day now!
It’s definitely atrocious, that the greedy film-makers believe they can make new versions of perfect films. Especially when they take out one of the most brilliant pieces of animation with live action (only matched by Roger Rabbit) and replace it with something technically boring. You’re thinking penguins now, aren’t you?
Here we go then…
Well, I’m leaving with a smile on my face, anyhow.
One of my favorite movies ever! And I cannot even imagine a remake, or why they would want to. Well, I suppose they want to con people into spending money to see it, but who’d want to do that?
Love it Jemima and you are so right they are absolutely atrocious 💜💜💜💜
Thanks for the earworm, Jemima. Haha! And thank you once again for the prompt of the day! 😀
When i saw the title, before I opened th post, I already had supercali etc going through my head! We must be on similar wavelengths.