Calendar is the prompt for Tuesday. This is probably my last post, although watch this space as I might try One Liner Wednesday.

Just Jot It January is by Linda Hill (with help from her friends). You can jot something down for the prompt anywhere, any time, just post it on your blog before the end of the month (so it seems). You can read the full instructions here.

Calendar – Jan 30th

This is linked back to Linda’s post for the day, as she also provided the word.

Collins Colplan Calendar January

I was looking back through the photos on my blog, trying to pick something appropriate. I nearly chose the one of the year rolling round, from 2018 through 2019 to 2020. That made me think, yes, that was when I moved to this house. Four years already. So many changes, yet it doesn’t feel like four years. Admittedly the first was odd, because of Covid restrictions, and they didn’t really lift until 2022.

And, what astounds me most, is that none of the guinea pigs I have now were here in March 2020. I had my lovely ‘moving four’ who put up with a great deal of change and travelling, and temporary cages. but still cuddled me and settled in just fine. In fact Roscoe and Biggles loved exploring the new house together. They’ve gone now. Biggles and Bertie have roles in the last book in the Princelings saga, Roscoe and Neville are entertaining the younger generation in Cavies of Flexford Common.

The boys during the move: Bertie with the white face, Neville behind the red and blue tunnel, Roscoe in the zebra cosy, Biggles on top of his blue tunnel

Rhythm of the year

Each year has its rhythm, and that has changed somewhat. Yes the winter calendar changeover continues, but I booked most of my craft fairs for this year way back in September. And thanks to electronic calendars, I don’t have to list all the forward bookings on a scrap of paper in order to put them in a new diary at Christmas. In fact, I only use my online calendar now. Someone gave me a pretty National Trust wall calendar this year. It’s sitting in the filing. When I was clearing out the Christmas cards I threw out the unopened Bird calendar someone gave me for 2023. I expect families find it easy to have some sort of wall planner that everyone can see, but for me, if it’s in the computer, I’ll have it okay.

But just for the record, if you live in Southern England, or will be visiting this year, you can find my Craft Fair bookings and locations on the Viridian System website – here.

Calendar | #JusJoJan24 the 30th
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2 thoughts on “Calendar | #JusJoJan24 the 30th

  • 30 January, 2024 at 4:18 pm

    I’m funny. I use the on-line calendar for all my appointments and such, but when it comes to planning—either for trips or for blog posts—I like it on paper, so I keep a paper calendar by the computer as well. I get lots of freebies in the mail, so I just pick the prettiest—and then it ends up with the picture folded back almost all the time, so it really doesn’t matter!

  • 30 January, 2024 at 5:12 pm

    I like to have one calendar on the wall just for the pictures really – I never look at the dates. And one to scribble on in the study. My proper diary is online though.

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