Leaves of Fall is a dystopian novella by Patricia Lynne, and I may have received a copy for its launch last year. The author has rebranded and is now writing as Patricia Josephine, and but the book is still on
Book Launch | Leaves of Fall by Patricia Lynne
Leaves of Fall was published yesterday! It’s the latest from Patricia Lynne, who blogs beautiful words and writes a darn good plot. Read more about it: Leaves of Fall by Patricia Lynne genres: Teen & YA / post-apocalyptic Armory was
Book Review | Tails of the Apocalypse by Chris Pourteau et al
I think I got an ARC via Jennifer Ellis, who is one of the wonderful authors in this anthology of dystopia, or rather apocalypse, short stories. The twist is that they all feature a ‘companion animal’ or a would-be one