Once upon a time I went to Summer Camp in the USA.  Wisconsin, to be precise.  It was hugely enjoyable, although there were also some odd incidents as a result of people making false assumptions.  Hmm, I must put that in a book some time!

2013-Participant-Campfire-Square-ButtonFor the second year running I’m at Camp NaNoWriMo, which is a writing camp that lasts a month (National Novel Writing Month, you see).  I have a target to write a 50,000 word book in that time.  That’s about 1615 words a day, every day.  I have cabin mates to chat to.  There are camp songs to sing around the fire if you feel that way inclined.  There are mugs and t-shirts to buy.

So I’m sitting here in my Camp NaNoWriMo t-shirt, writing my next book, in my ‘office’ at my desk, and doing the camp online.  The new book is Victor’s story, which I got stuck on a long time ago, but have brought out, dusted off some old ideas, inserted a whole load of new ideas, and am replotting as we speak.  Victor BartonOr read, as the case may be.  Last year I wrote the Talent Seekers, so I hope this is going to produce at least as good a result for Victor, who has been waiting patiently all this time for me to finish.  He’s a good chap. Cute, clever, and just getting a little bit old in real life.  You’ll never get old in my books sweetheart – just a little bit more grown up!

I’ll send you regular postcards on my progress during July, but don’t expect much in the way of book reviews or flash fiction.  I have my writer’s hat firmly on my head, and I’m coming up only for fresh air, exercise, and some meals!

Off to Camp NaNoWriMo
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