Go through the wormhole
What futures await you there?
Live long, or prosper?
Picture from earthsky.org
This is Wormfest week, and my haiku is in its honour. If you missed yesterday’s post you can still join in the blog hop here.
Wormfest haiku
Go through the wormhole
What futures await you there?
Live long, or prosper?
Picture from earthsky.org
This is Wormfest week, and my haiku is in its honour. If you missed yesterday’s post you can still join in the blog hop here.
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Go through the wormhole
Things unimaginable
On the other side
Loved the homage to Star Trek!
You mean it’s a choice. If I live long but don’t prosper that might not be a quality life. Yet if I prosper but my life is cut short then what good is my wealth? Interesting question posed in this haiku.
Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog
Glad you spotted it, Lee! A tribute with a twist. I might use it in a short story some time 🙂
Thanks for visiting.