When I asked in the winter what posts you liked best, ‘Character interviews’ came up – and I haven’t done any of those for ages.  So I think I’d better solve that.

I’m planning on posting these through July and August, while I’m at Camp Nano again 🙂

Who would you like me to interview?  Pick no more than five options; I’ll probably fit in five or six interviews.  I wouldn’t do Fred without George, or Lars without Pete, so each pair counts as one option.

Now… pick your people and leave some questions for me to ask them in the Comments!

Ask my characters some questions

6 thoughts on “Ask my characters some questions

    • 14 June, 2016 at 1:30 am

      Whatcha gonna ask them? 🙂

      • 14 June, 2016 at 9:55 pm

        Would they ever consider a career in piracy, given their adventures in the second book?

        • 15 June, 2016 at 8:43 am

          I might need to claim the Fifth Amendment there, although Fred & George know nothing of the future…. so I’ll ask them!

  • 15 June, 2016 at 5:14 am

    Okay, so I want to ask questions of Lars & Pete, and also of Zito.

    Zito: what’s the weirdest (but still printable) request you’ve ever had to fill for a miner.

    Pete & Lars: I think the answer is sort of in the book, but just how did you two end up as the Odd Couple? And what planet-bound thing (besides the girls) do you miss most when out mining for months on end?

    I may want to ask Willoughby a question, too. Have to think about that, but he’s a favorite character.

    • 17 June, 2016 at 6:08 am

      I could ask him the ever-annoying “where do you get your story ideas?” (Tee hee).

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