It’s Anthology Contest time!
I may be in the middle of #TackleTBR, but other things go on apace. Checking round the IWSG posts last week, I realised that it was time for the Annual Anthology contest. It’s the fourth one, and I didn’t really clock last year’s. Clock being English slang for notice (I wonder what the derivation is – probably from Cockney rhyming slang).
Here is the general gist of the contest, reprinted from Alex Cavanaugh’s blog. Go there for the full rules etc.
Insecure Writers’ Support Group Anthology Contest
Eligibility: Any member of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group is encouraged to enter – blogging or Facebook member. The story must be previously unpublished. Entry is free.
Word count: 3500-6000
Genre: Mystery/Crime/Thriller
Theme: Tick Tock. The story revolves around a clock, is time sensitive, or has something about a specific time. This theme has plenty of scope and we’re open to pretty much anything along these lines. No erotica, R-rated language, or graphic violence.
Story deadline: November 1st 2017
So there you have it… now get writing!
I had a few ideas, one inspired by my two-parter a while back about a wardrobe, but I’m assuming that unpublished includes not published on my blog. I’d like to do more in some of those promising worlds found in Familiar Territory and the one with the robotic take-over; maybe I’ll just think about it while I’m doing my TackleTBR!
TackleTBR Update #1 (after day 2)
While I’m here I’d better give you my first progress report on #TackleTBR2017
Books read: one-half
Pages read: 150 (49%)
Total books read: 0
Total pages read: 150
Finished books – none yet
I entered last year, and though I don’t think my style is quite their style, I’ll try again this time. After all, I’m a mystery writer, so there’s no excuse not to. My inability to remove my tongue from my cheek seems to work against me in most short-form publications, though.
Well, I like your stories, tongue-in-cheek or not. Go girl!