New year, new reading challenge starts! Yes, we’re in 2025 already (and I’m posting later than usual so even my west coast friends will not be “so last year!” If you’re anticipating an IWSG post, that’s next week, by order
Voting, campaigning, and #30DaysWild
Campaigning came to mind after I got an email from publisher saying roughly: as I enjoyed Lissa Evans’ previous book(s), perhaps I’d like to read this one. This one is called Small Bomb at Dimperley, and I’m still dithering. But
Do you like Reading Challenges | #IWSG
Happy New Year! Here we are in 2024 and I’m starting a new year of Reading Challenges. As we writers are exhorted to read, and read widely, to improve our own writing skills, I thought it was fair to combine
Space Time Reading Challenge 2024 – sign up here!
SpaceTime Reading Challenge does what it says: it challenges you to sign-up to read a number of books in the space science fiction and time travel genres. As with previous years, there are four categories to choose from: I’ve been
Reading vs Writing | #IWSG
Reading vs Writing seems to be the best title today. I thought I might as well do my half-yearly Reading Challenge update along with my IWSG post today, because the two are connected. PJ Colando, Kim Lajevardi, Gwen Gardner, Pat Garcia, and Natalie Aguirre! Reading
March 23 Quarter Progress report
It’s the end of March and time for my first quarter progress report. I’m making progress slowly partly because of health problems which I’ll come to later. I’ve also been preparing the A-Z challenge posts. The A to Z Challenge
2022 Reading Challenge Round-up
Another year of Reading Challenges finished. And for once, I’m really relaxed about it. No last minute reading till the new year chimes. I’d even got time to put some non-challenge reading in during December. The trouble has been fitting
Space Time Reading Challenge 2023 – sign up here!
SpaceTime Reading Challenge does what it says: it challenges you to sign-up to read a number of books in the space science fiction and time travel genres. As with previous years, there are four categories to choose from: I’ve been
Reading Challenge September Updates #spacetimereads
September Updates for my Reading Challenges – already? I suppose so. I have been reading a lot of books this year. Overall – my Goodreads Reading Challenge When I set myself the task of reading 52, one a week, to
Reading Challenges 2022 – half-year check-in
Check-in for half-year – where did those six months go? Well, I’ve read a lot of books, although I slowed down in June, too much else going on, and not enough sitting in the garden in my lounger, guarding the
Round-up for my Not 30 Days Wild 2022
Today I round up my Not 30 Days Wild environmental activities for June, because the rest of the month I’ll be too busy with family birthdays. Two of those are taking place in a garden/arboretum, so I expect there’ll be
First Quarter checkin | #spacetimereads 2022
My first quarter update is only slightly late! The SpaceTime Reading challenge is for reading addicts who want to try space scifi and timetravel genres for the first time, as well as hardened scifi addicts. I keep my list on
SpaceTime Reading Challenge 2022 – sign up here #spacetimereads
The SpaceTime Reading challenge needs a sign up post to circulate widely. It would be great to attract reading addicts who want to try space scifi and timetravel genres for the first time, but hardened scifi addicts are always welcome!
Nine months already: the quarterly #SpaceTimeReads update #readingchallenges
Nine months of the year have gone already. If 2020 just disappeared in a blur, despite seeming never-ending, I don’t know what 2021 has done. It seems to have taken a long time to get here, yet the idea that
#spacetimereads | Reading Challenge Update – half-year
Another Reading Challenge Update. They seem to come around so fast these days! I’m struggling with a not-quite-working website host at present. They have got the server back online, but not working fully, and at present I can’t post new