The first series of character interviews was published in the summer of 2012. The characters are therefore familiar with the events of the whole Princelings trilogy (and of Hugo’s prequel, the Traveler in Black and White). There may be a few spoiler references as a result.
- Princeling Fred of Castle Marsh
- Victor Barton of the Inn of the Seventh Happiness
- Hugo (Lord Mariusz of Hattan)
- Prince Lupin of Buckmore
- Professor Saku of Castle Hattan
- Lady Nimrod of Buckmore
- Lord Smallweed of Vexstein
- Princess Kira of Marsh (formerly Dimerie)
- Sundance, of the secret service
- Ludo, the Pirate King
- Princeling George of Castle Marsh
A series for Christmas 2012: characters describe the Yule season (from Solstice to New Year’s Day) and all the festivities at their castles.
- Willoughby, Narrator-in-Residence at Castle Buckmore
- Humphrey, White Horse Castle
- Lord Pogo of Castle Vexstein
- Princeling Dylan of Castle Haunn
- Queen Kira of Castle Marsh
For Christmas 2013, as part of the Twelve Authors of Christmas promotion, Fred and George were in conversation with three other ‘animal’ characters from other books – Stanley and Katrina from the Perpetual Papers of the Pack of Pets, and Max from the Shadows from the Past series.
You can read their amusing conversations here:
The 2015 Blog tour is producing two new character interviews (links to follow):
- Sandy Smith interviews George
- Janet at Teatime and Books asked for an interview, and Mariusz gave a really good one, but later she asked for an author interview, so maybe he was too much for her.