The Princelings and the Pirates for your Kindle (or Kindle App) will be absolutely free on 15th March!  This will be part of the World Literary Cafe Free For All promotion.

You can get your free copy of the second Princelings book at the US site, .  (Change the .com for, .de .fr .es or your favourite country). The offer runs from midnight Pacific Standard Time 15th March for 24 hours, which by my translation means 07:00 GMT on the 15th to 07:00 GMT on the 16th March (they don’t guarantee it to the minute though).  I think I’ve done the Daylight Saving adustment right (US have gone into summer, UK hasn’t).

Only one more week to the  first day of Spring!

Enjoy the book – and if you do please either LIKE the page or do a review, it would be hugely appreciated.

Pirates 15 March #FreeForAll
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