I signed up for this a couple of months back, not entirely sure of what I was letting myself in for. There is an organiser, M Pax, and a number of people who are hosting a tournament of on-line games (see link
M Pax’s Realms Faire starts today

I signed up for this a couple of months back, not entirely sure of what I was letting myself in for. There is an organiser, M Pax, and a number of people who are hosting a tournament of on-line games (see link
I read a wonderful post on pricing books, thanks to the Kid Lit Blog Hop last month. Julie Stroebel Barichello’s post ‘Thoughts on pricing children’s chapter books” explored what she did with her allowance when she was a kid, and
I had a small window in my time away from the computer the other day, and thought, I know, I’ll pick up a book. I had three listed on my panel at the side (I’d finished a crime mystery the
I’m taking the Princelings of the East series on the road from September 22nd to 5th October 2015, with the help of the wonderful Tonya at My Family’s Heart. We’ll be scheduling posts for reviews, interviews (me and characters), and excerpts. If
My options for today’s flash fiction post were: do 1000 words on ‘why I write’ which is today’s challenge from Chuck Wendig; write 1000 words to one of the random titles that came up a couple of weeks back when
If you’re an independent author and publish on KDP, you’ll have seen this in their July newsletter. It’s a video of authors trying to describe what it’s like to be an indie author in five words or less. I think.
A mash-up of a post for this Friday – it’s not really Flash Fiction, but it’s only 610 words, so it’s a sort of extended Quote and Question. This is from about halfway through The Perihelix (which I’m editing at present,
I joined LibraryThing a while back as an alternative to Goodreads, probably not long after Goodreads got sold to Amazon. I got it all set up, and occasionally copied a review over there, but I confess I haven’t done much
You remember I used to join in the Book Blogger Hop occasionally? This is a question I wanted to address at the end of March, but something else came up that HAD to be blogged about, so I postponed it
To celebrate the release of the Talent Seekers as a paperback, I thought you’d like to have a quote and question from it this month. I’ll add any buying links I have for the paperback to this post as soon
It’s the old story, isn’t it? We work by day and write by night, and then we wonder why we’re so tired. I started joking some time ago that I’m now a full-time publisher, and in my spare time I
On Monday it’s the start of Children’s Book Week in the US, and it starts today, Saturday, in Canada. As always, people, schools, libraries and publishers are helping to promote children’s literature. The UK will be doing it at the end of
We’re starting to ramp up for Children’s Book Week (USA & Canada), which this year runs 4th to 10th May 2015. Most of the effort goes in that week itself, and I’ll be doing some special offers on my books
I did this in January, grabbed an excerpt from one of the books and set you a question. Since I did Princelings of the East in January, and just posted an excerpt from Pirates in February, I thought I’d skip
Inaccuracy. It’s something that really irritates me. It distracts from my enjoyment of a book, and it could influence my review. I’m not sure whether it should, or not as much as it does. But I’m sure that authors who