Princelings of the East is part of the Read an E-Book Week on Smashwords.  Use the coupon code REW50 to claim your copy for $1.50 via this link.

The offer runs for the whole of E-Book week, which is an international effort.  It runs from midnight Pacific Time Sunday 4th March to midnight Saturday 10th March.  That’s 08.00 Sunday 4th to 08.00 Sunday 11th in the UK.  The REW50 coupon is only valid during that period.  Due to vagaries of electronics and networks, the timings are not guaranteed to the minute, so don’t leave it till the very last second!  Smashwords takes Paypal, making currency transactions easy and safe.

If you’ve already bought Princelings, there are plenty of other offers during the week on Smashwords, the place where independent authors go for distribution on all types of e-book readers, Apple, Nook, Adobe and just on-screen for your browser as well as Kindle.  All types of books, something to suit everyone!

If you can, why not write a review of any books you read.  The authors will be very grateful!  If not, just click the ‘like’ button on the page.  Thanks!

Last day of Read an E-Book Week
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