I was honoured to be tagged by Rebecca Douglass to take part in the Work In Progress Blog Tour.
The rules go like this: Provide the link back to the post by the person who nominated you (see above). Write a little about and give the first sentences of the first three chapters of your current WIP, then nominate a few other writers to do the same.
I’m a long way off writing blurbs etc for The Perihelix, but I thought that would be the most interesting in terms of chapters. I’m also working on my dad’s memoirs, White Water Landings, as I keep mentioning.
The Perihelix (Viridian System #1)
I loved scifi as a teen – it opened my minds to all sorts of possible universes, and then to the prospects for civilisation if we keep going the way we are. I suspect it did more for my social conscience than most other things. I’ve always been fascinated by possible futures, and even got into using scenarios as a tool in my research work. Unhappily I see ourselves squarely in one of the worse ones that were brought together in 1998 or 9, one called Atlantic Storm. All of which has nothing to do with The Perihelix, but I’m beginning to realise, as withThe Princelings of the East, that the overarching theme of the series is rather more than a pleasant and hopefully exciting romp through the protagonists’ universe!
So here goes, a bit about the Perihelix – and if you have any feedback on the blurb I’d be delighted! There is a long way to go until the book reaches its final edit, though.
The Perihelix
When two asteroid miners, Pete and the Swede, make landfall for a long vacation, they want nothing more than sun, sea and the pleasant company of three lovely women. A coded message discovered in an art gallery sends them off to find an oracle, who tells them things that neither wants to hear – one has to guard against assimilation by the tyrannical Imperium, while the other is called to rescue his home planet from disaster. Only by finding the missing pieces of the mythical Perihelix will either avoid his doom. But the evil Federation is intent on finding it first.
Chapter 1: Landfall
Big Pete and the Swede waved their IDs at the security guard as they exited the walkway from their spacedock. The guard nodded at them, while extending two of its arms towards the female arriving just behind them.
(OK, it was supposed to be the first sentence, which I realise isn’t exactly k-a. The second might add intrigue).
Chapter 2: Race time
“The villa is available whenever you want it,” explained Zito, over a cup of mint tea in his back office.
(Hm, maybe first lines aren’t my strength)
Chapter 3: Orichalcum Slinger
The villa, or perhaps it could be styled ‘ranch’, that Zito had found for them was set up on the promontory a little way from the main resort of Sunset Strip itself.
(You may recognise this chapter title – it’s a short story and you can find the link in the Viridian Series menu item. )
Maybe these chapters will change beyond recognition by the time it’s out. I’ve already considered adding a chapter at the start which demonstrates the impact of the Imperium on Pete’s planet.
So, who to nominate next?
My good friend Noelle Granger is the first to spring to mind! I’m hoping that M T McGuire will content to be my other person!
Nice! I hadn’t yet really gotten the big picture (too far between bits of the little pictures), so this was great to see!
And once again we are too alike. I’ve been looking at my opening line ever since doing this (and had cause again on Friday to isolate it and was underwhelmed) and trying to rewrite the whole opening!
It’s problem, isn’t it? I think they are good introductions to the chapters, but they aren’t attention-grabbing in themselves. They don’t indicate anything that’s going to happen in the chapter, either. But then, I’ve noticed I’m a rarity in that I give my chapters titles.