The mill is today’s writephoto prompt from K L Caley. Actually it was 14 December 23, but I didn’t use it then. It’s just under 1000 words, and iI hope you enjoy it, especially as it’s probably the last new
#Flashback fiction | Paradisio
Paradisio was born on 14th June 2013. And it’s got a lot to answer for. It was a Chuck Wendig mashup prompt, of movies in noir and sci-fi, and I stole a lot from my favourite movie. I’m still stealing
Viewpoint | a #writephoto flash fiction
Viewpoint was the writephoto prompt from KL Caley in November last year. I was just getting back into writing but skipped this then. Now, thanks to inspiration from Damyanti, I’m picking up this one in a climate-related flash. It’s just
#Flashback Fiction | The Wardrobe (part 2)
This week we have part 2 of The Wardrobe, so if you missed the first part, click back a couple of blog entries. I hope you enjoy it, kinda. I mean, it is Halloween! The Wardrobe, part 2 The next
#Flashback fiction | The Wardrobe (part 1)
Flashback fiction, The Wardrobe, in a two-for-one offer this month, as October has five weeks, ending with Halloween. I wanted to do my Rocky Horror mashup, but discovered it’s already appeared twice, even if, included as it is the Critters
Humphrey Goes East | Flashback fiction
Humphrey seems to have been going East forever. I wrote this story before The Talent Seekers, which was Humphrey’s starring role after his escape from the vile ladies of the Lost City. I thought it might make a prologue for
Snicket #writephoto Flash Fiction
Snicket was the #writephoto prompt at the end of August 2023. Thanks to KL Caley at New2Writing for the prompt. I thought it was time for Lars and Pete to show their faces again. The trouble is, this post-dates Zanzibar’s
The Scream | Flashback Fiction #WEPFF
This month’s flashback, The Scream was a work continuing WEP’s art theme for 2021’s flash fiction prompts. Regrettably the WEP hung up its pen this year, I think the admin had become burdensome. This is one of the characters I
The Steam Railway | #writephoto flash fiction
Steam was the writephoto prompt for last October. One of my visitors at the Lymington Craft Fair last weekend gave me the germ of an idea for this one, but most of the thanks go to K L Caley at
Gorg in Pursuit of Bale (part 2) | #flashback fiction
Gorg is a troll, and not my invention. Even the quest he is on is not my invention. But as Chuck Wendig gave us the task of completing a story someone else had written the previous week, I chose Rebecca
Green | #writephoto Flash Fiction
Green was the keyword KL Caley attached to this colonnade of growing plants last year at It more or less fitted an idea I had, responding to our dismal summer this year, and incorporating my theory for it. I’ve
Hijack! Flashback Fiction
Hijack! was written in 2014, a 1000 word idea of events that would happen sometime in the Princelings future. The sub-plots were there, but didn’t come out quite how this one develops. The pirates at Castle Roc became supportive of
Incline | Flash Fiction #writephoto #30DaysWild
Incline, or perhaps sheep, is today’s prompt. I’m working my way though the #writephoto prompts from KL Caley at from last year, when I wasn’t doing much with my hands. I’m still not doing much, but perhaps a little
The Gallery | Flashback Fiction
The Gallery is a bit of balderdash that set Pete, the Swede, and their women off on a wild goose chase across the universe which eventually became The Perihelix. And I wrote it ten years ago! The fact that it’s
Flags | #writephoto Flash Fiction
Flags was a writephoto prompt from April last year. I’ve been catching up now that K L Caly is on a break. I had an idea as a result of the photo, but somehow when I sat down to write