Once again, I enjoyed my Tackle TBR event, and got through the books I’d planned to read.   I added Holding to the list when I started so well, but I expected my cataract operation on my right eye to stop me reading much at the weekend, although I nearly finished Inkheart (it was a last-minute finish on Monday night!).  Since I’ve been meaning to read Inkheart for ages, and it’s a long book, as MG books go, I’m pleased to have got through it, despite what seemed a big lull in the middle.  Reviews of these books will be coming up very soon, starting with A Grave Tree on Saturday.

I’ll be drawing the winner of my TBR CHALLENGE giveaway early in the morning, so if you haven’t entered yet, you may still have time.  The Challenge post is HERE. If I do this next year I’ll close earlier and announce the winner here!

Total books read: 4

Total pages read (ebooks counted from Goodreads data for paperbacks): 1,444

Total TBR Challenges entered:  5

So I met my reading goals of four books, with a fifth listed just in case, and although it wasn’t a goal as such, I did get round a lot of the first posts that people put up.  I’ll try to get around a few more of these round-up posts.  I look forward to Tackling my TBR again with Wishful Endings next year!

Thanks for visiting, and thanks to Tressa and all those involved with challenges and whatnot for organising it all.



#TackleTBR – Roundup post
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6 thoughts on “#TackleTBR – Roundup post

  • 27 September, 2016 at 1:35 pm

    Congratulations on meeting your goal! They all look like interesting books.

  • 27 September, 2016 at 4:04 pm

    Well done, and with the cataract operation in there, too! Hope that once you recover from that you will enjoy even easier reading 🙂

    • 27 September, 2016 at 6:05 pm

      To be honest, it was easier from day 1, but I needed to pace myself and give my eye some rest – and that went for the screen, too 🙂

  • 29 September, 2016 at 4:51 pm

    It’s always a pleasure to have you join, Jemima! Glad you got your reading goals accomplished and I hope your surgery did go well!

    • 29 September, 2016 at 7:31 pm

      Thanks, Tressa! Same time next year 😉

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