A Reflections post. I think this is one of the most enjoyable parts of the A2Z Challenge. Looking back over the month, thinking about the blogs I’ve visited and those who visited me. And so, in no particular order… Random
The Rose Code | #A2ZChallenge23
The Rose Code by Kate Quinn is my book for letter R this month. It won’t come as too much of a surprise to regular readers of my blog, but I have plenty of outstanding titles to offer you. Featured
How To Stop Time | #A2ZChallenge23
How to Stop Time was my first encounter with Matt Haig, but not the last, as I now have several of his books on my TBR. This one is my featured book on today’s A2Z Challenge. It changed my perceptions
Emperor’s Edge | #A2ZChallenge23
Emperor’s Edge is both a novel and a series, both of which therefore start with E. Lucky that, as E is today’s A2Zchallenge letter! Featured book (and series) | Emperor’s Edge Lindsay Buroker is an indie author who started around
Bring Up The Bodies | #A2ZChallenge23
Bring Up the Bodies by the late Hilary Mantel is my featured book for the A to Z Challenge today. Featured: Bring Up the Bodies by Hilary Mantel I read Bring Up The Bodies one winter (Jan 14, by the
A2Z Book Review | The Art of Spirit Capture
The Art of Spirit Capture is my book review today. It is also the kick-off post for this year’s A to Z Challenge. I’ll be concentrating on some ridiculously reduced one-sentence descriptions for some of them! The Art of Spirit
Art, Images, Graphics, and Jeremy Hawkins | #IWSG February 22
Artistic images for my book covers I generally leave to others. But I am now capable of putting a couple of photographs together in a decent display for certain types of books. I generally don’t go further than that, although
Reading Challenge Catch-up #spacetimereads and #AtoZChallenge Road Trip
This is my Road trip post and my quarterly catch-up for the Spacetime reading challenge. Which is nearly six weeks late. Sorry about that. I’ve been writing a spacetime book instead of reading them, and yes, I forgot. SpaceTime Catch-up
Reflections on the #AtoZChallenge2021, Camp NaNoFinMo, #writephoto and #IWSG
Reflections on an extremely busy month of April! I decided to wrap all my thoughts into one blog post and make it my IWSG post, too. Insecure Writers Support Group Each month there is also an optional question as a
Zanzibar’s Rings (Viridian System 3) #AtoZChallenge2021
Zanzibar’s Rings. It was my aim from day one of this year’s A to Z Challenge to finish writing the third book in my Viridian system series. So, what’s the score? I suppose in theory I have until the end
W is for Weird and Weirder #AtoZChallenge2021
Weird and Weirder is the fourth of my Flash Fiction Collections. I’ve been publishing them more or less monthly: the next is out May 6th, then Time and Tinplate on June 10th, and this one on July 8th, giving you
V is for Verse Forms #writephoto #AtoZChallenge2021
Verse forms–of which haiku is one. I mentioned earlier this month that I’d found a whole list of Japanese verse forms: it’s not just haiku. First let me do today’s haiku, which sprang almost immediately into my brain as I
Rise Up! WEP Flash Fiction Challenge #WEP+IWSG #AtoZChallenge2021
Rise Up is my thought for the illustration in the badge – Freedom Morning by Claude Clarke. It’s a tricky one, because I’m combining the WEP flash fiction challenge with the A to Z Challenge where we’ve reached R. Rise
K is for Kaa Birith | #CampNaNoWriMo #AtoZChallenge 2021
Kaa Birith is the main antagonist of my Viridian System science fiction series. I thought as I’m writing the third book, Zanzibar’s Rings, this month, it might help if I gave you a hint or two about him. My protagonists
Book Review | The Iron Tactician #AtoZChallenge2021
The Iron Tactician was a book I bought in a Storybundle collection, as happens a lot with my random scifi selections. I wasn’t sure I was enjoying it at the time, but I seem to be thinking of it more