New year, new reading challenge starts! Yes, we’re in 2025 already (and I’m posting later than usual so even my west coast friends will not be “so last year!” If you’re anticipating an IWSG post, that’s next week, by order
Book Review | Juicy Ghosts by Rudy Rucker
Juicy Ghosts has been sitting on my Kindle for about eighteen months, and I’d earmarked it for this year’s J in the Alphabet Soup Challenge. A nice weird conclusion, really! I got it in a storybundle and then got some
Book Review | Stand on Zanzibar by John Brunner
I earmarked Stand on Zanzibar as a reread for the Letter Z this year, That’s my Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge, of course. It’s an old book, written in the 1960s, and nominated several times for awards. I knew I’d read
Two Scifi Reviews | Common Ground + Xeelee Vengeance
Common Ground and other stories by Mackey Chandler, and Xeelee Vengeance, by Stephen Baxter. Both selected as Books of the Month sometime this year in the Goodreads Space Opera Group. Both good reads. One short and funny, one long and
Reading Challenge September Updates #spacetimereads
September Updates for my Reading Challenges – already? I suppose so. I have been reading a lot of books this year. Overall – my Goodreads Reading Challenge When I set myself the task of reading 52, one a week, to
Book Review | Encrypted series by Lindsay Buroker
Encrypted, Enigma, and Decrypted are the three books in Lindsay Buroker’s Forgotten Ages series. These are set in the same world as the Emperor’s Edge, but many years earlier. I think I got one of these in a Storybundle, and
Reading Challenges 2022 – half-year check-in
Check-in for half-year – where did those six months go? Well, I’ve read a lot of books, although I slowed down in June, too much else going on, and not enough sitting in the garden in my lounger, guarding the
Nine months already: the quarterly #SpaceTimeReads update #readingchallenges
Nine months of the year have gone already. If 2020 just disappeared in a blur, despite seeming never-ending, I don’t know what 2021 has done. It seems to have taken a long time to get here, yet the idea that
#spacetimereads | Reading Challenge Update – half-year
Another Reading Challenge Update. They seem to come around so fast these days! I’m struggling with a not-quite-working website host at present. They have got the server back online, but not working fully, and at present I can’t post new
Reading Challenges – successes, failures, and promises
As usual, I give you a round-up of the trials and tribulation for my reading challenges, and tell you which ones I’m doing for the coming year. Lessons learned from Reading Challenges in 2020 Don’t take on hefty reading challenges
#Spacetimereads and other Reading Challenges – Third Quarter
Spacetimereads usually gets first billing in my Reading Challenge updates since I host that. I hope everyone who signed up for it is getting on well. I meant to take a spin round you at the end of June, but
Reading Challenge Round-Up and Goals for 2020
I love a Reading Challenge or two. It appeals to my sense of order. Apart from the happiness of finishing a book, I love to punctuate it by including it in a challenge list. I know many people think this
Book Review | Dragon’s Gate by Laurence Yep
Dragon’s Gate was picked by the Great Middle Grade Reads members as a book of the month some time ago. I added it to my list, and bought a cheap second hand copy on Amazon. It took a while to
Book Review | A Difficult Mirror by Benjamin X Wretlind
A Difficult Mirror is not an easy read. It is fascinating, though. I have had this book on my TBR for ages, and can’t remember how I came across it. It may have been on offer, it may have been
Reading Challenge update | Three-quarters through!
Three-quarters through the year, and I’m so busy I forgot to do my reading challenge update. Many thanks to Cheryl Mahoney for reminding me. I know I’m not doing nearly as well as her. Three-quarters assessment in a nutshell Goodreads